
The Zahra Method of Hair Removal

Who is Zahra?

Zahra is of Tunisian decent.  Her European education enabled her to improve on a method of hair removal which had been practiced for centuries amongst her native people.

What is the Zahra Method of Hair Removal?

It is a skill that enables the practitioner to remove the entire hair as well as the hair bulb.  When the hair re-grows, it is much finer.  After successive treatment, hair growth diminishes until that area of skin is free from hair.  No matter how strong or dense you hair is, the treatment is still very effective.

What are the products used during treatment?

The main product is a sweet paste made entirely of natural ingredients.  Allied products to the treatment are a soap used for cleaning the skin prior to treatment; a bactericidal liquid or gel which is used to help protect the skin after treatment; oil and creams applied as a protective barrier from the outside elements.  None of Zahra’s products have ever been tested on animals and do not contain animal products.

What parts of the body can be treated?

Zahra’s treatment is recommended for any part of the body and face.  Your hair needs to be a quarter of an inch long (two to three weeks from the last time you shaved).  Please do not apply any oils or creams to our skin for 48 hours before the treatment.

Can anyone administer Zahra’s treatment?

Only Zahra trained and qualified practitioners can administer the treatment. 200 hours of studying and practicing on members of the general public have to be undertaken before a trainee can submit for the Zahra certificate.

Who invented the treatment?

Zahra invented her own treatment as well as her own products.  For some years she was the only on to offer her treatment throughout Great Britain.  In 1984, Zahra opened her own training centre where her first practitioners were trained.  Quickly news spread that there were other Zahra qualified practitioners operating throughout Great Britain.

Many have tried the imitate Zahra’s treatment, but have only produced a less effective method of hair removal.  As Zahra is the inventor of her own treatment, none have managed to improve or expand on what she has developed.

Only practitioners operating under the Zahra trade mark have the qualifications and experience necessary to administer the Zahra treatment effectively.

Can difficult skin be treated?

As long as the skin is not damaged (new scar tissue, cracking, weeping or bleeding), the Zahra treatment improves the condition of your skin.

Zahra After Treatment Advice

It is advisable not to time your appointment to coincide with the onset of your menstrual cycle as it is a time when you are most sensitive.

Red spotting of the skin during and after the treatment. This indicates that hairs have been removed from their blood supply. These red spots may stay in the skin for a few hours or even a day in some cases. Blood will not be able to follow a fine hair along a narrow follicle, therefore, less spotting will occur on someone with weaker hair.

Beware of exposing your skin to any form of direct heat until the redness has subsided. If you should have a hot bath or sit in the sun on the day of treatment, your skin may start to itch. Cool the area down immediately with ice packs.

Facial Treatment

If your skin feels hot after the treatments, it is best to allow your Practitioner to apply ice compresses to the treated area for five to ten minutes before she applies the cooling, tinted skin care cream. Should your skin feel hot and uncomfortable once you are at home, wrap an ice cube in a clean tissue and proceed to dab it over the treated area. Do this until the area has cooled down. With consecutive treatments, the skin’s reaction should not be so excessive. If the skin’s temperature does not begin to subside within hours of the treatment, contact your practitioner immediately. There may be a slight possibility of a skin infection.

You may notice some whiteheads developing up to three days after the treatment These whiteheads should be no bigger than tiny pinheads. They should not feel uncomfortable. These are due to the sebaceous glands reacting to the treatment by producing an abnormal amount of sebum. After further treatment the sebaceous glands will react less and less. Spots will seldom recur after the fourth treatment, providing treatments are carried out at monthly intervals. If more time elapses between treatment the sebaceous glands will react as thought the treatment was being carried out for the first time.

Did you find the Zahra treatment painful?

The first time is the worst, particularly if you have been shaving, because the bulb at the base of the hair shaft is enlarged. Remember that the hair grows, rests, then grown again, so taking about 6 months for shaven hair to be replaced with natural hair.

Moles cannot be treated with the paste. If you are concerned about hair growing from a mole you should contact you GP who will advise you.

Beware of exposing you skin to harmful rays. Exposing your skin to sunlight, infra-red light from a heat lamp or ultra-violet light in a solarium for prolonged periods after treatment is not advisable. Your skin will sunburn or tan much quicker after being treated by your Practitioner. Conversely you should not receive the Zahra treatment if your skin is sunburnt since the treatment removes layers of skin.

In-growing hairs. You may find that after the treatment you are subject to in-growing hairs. This is because the hairs is out of the follicle for many weeks and dead skin cells can form over its mouth. This causes new hair to grow under the skin. To prevent in-growing hairs, ask you Zahra Practitioner for advice to suit your personal requirements.

Diminishment of hair growth. After successive Zahra hair removal treatments, it can take between 18 months and 3 years for hairless areas of skin to appear. These areas will get larger until entire parts of the body and face are hair free.

How often should I receive the Zahra treatment?

Most clients do not wish to grow noticeable amount of hair between treatments. To obtain the full benefit from Zahra’s hair removal treatment, you should establish the time span which suits your hair growth, and then make regular appointments. You may find that during the summer you hair grows quicker, so reducing the time between appointments.

Why do I sometimes have unusually heavy hair growth? For one month in ten you may notice heavier hair growth than usual-this is perfectly normal. It may be caused by changes in the hormonal balance of your body, exposure to the sun or by reaction to medication or vitamin supplements. It does not mean that you Zahra Practitioner is inefficient, or that hair growth is being stimulated. Diminishment of hair growth will occur gradually, despite the occasional month in which you may notice heavier hair growth than usual.

Before your next appointment. Do not use oil in the bath or moisturising creams, particularly on your legs two days prior to your appointment, as these form an oily barriers which inhibits the action of the natural paste.

Do not be tempted to use a razor or depilatory cream between

No perfumed products should be applied to a treated area within 24-48 hours of the treatment. This includes deodorants and antiperspirants.